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Happy wife and lover of doggie named Walle.

Musings on the day before New Year's Eve

By | 12/30/2014 4 comments

During this time of reflection and resolution, let us not lose contentment in who God is, or in the very day that lies before us. 

By personality, I am always looking to tomorrow, but today I find pleasure in the gentle reminder that all things have been written. And in this, I am exactly where God desires me to be.

After a laughter-filled, relaxing evening at home nestled up with my husband, I drove to work this morning and saw this beautiful skyline. Resting above the concrete jungle of the 5 freeway was a Hallmark Easter card.

This is the never-changing, magnificent, natural beauty of life. This is the stuff seen by both kings and slaves, by both righteous and unrighteous. It is never wearisome. Created prefect. It is without strain or strife. 
This is the often overlooked backdrop of life. 

This is today.

To sweeten the pot, I had virtually no traffic all the way to work.
With my favorite program on the radio, I drove in a calm, sweet realization: 

There is so much joy in just being.

The warm hug of heated seats.
The revitalizing coolness of the air upon getting out of my car.
The sweet taste of homemade chocolate scones, shared among colleagues.
The soft hum of my computer.
The welcoming smile of a friend.

I thank God that I am alive. In a world filled with angst and discord, the spirit within me finds harmony. It sways in gentle movement. It makes known the softer notes. It adds texture to melody and power in moments. 

God is good.
Yesterday { Today } Tomorrow
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  1. Wow, thank you for the reminder! Put beautifully :)

    1. Thanks Daisy! It's a reminder to myself as well.

  2. "there is so much joy in just being" I love that and how you put things so eloquently. We were made to be His and experience life like this. LOVE
